
Saturday, July 31, 2004


"Life is just one damned thing after another." Elbert Hubbard

Friday, July 30, 2004

Photo Blog 

Photo blog
(via del.icio.us)

Jumbo means 'large' while Shrimp means 'small' 

'Jumbo Shrimp' is an Oxymoron - a combination of contradictory or incongruous words; Jumbo means 'large' while Shrimp means 'small'. It is a literary figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory words, terms, phrases or ideas are combined to create a rhetorical effect by paradoxical means. Cruel Kindness
(via del.icio.us)

Want to play twenty questions? 

Play twenty questions against a computer. It can be startling good, sometimes, though there are a few things that still aren't in the database. Still, a decent time waster, if only for a little while.
(via Metafilter)

Serf Assessment 

Under new rules, you must be classified according to a set of Government benchmarks which help us to not only match you with potential employment but also enable us to oppress you in a much more scientific and matter-of-fact manner - Department of Social Scrutiny


Little swing game; use left and right arrows (flash)
(via fiendishword)

Gold Miner (flash)
(via Waah blog)

Bubbles game (flash)

Sequency (shockwave)
(via metafilter)


"A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation." Saki

Saint Anxiete Of Malta 

Patron Saint of Impossible Deadlines & Foamy Coffee
(via del.icio.us)

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


"I was a vegetarian until I started leaning toward the sunlight." Rita Rudner


The term ampersand, as Geoffrey Glaister writes in his "Glossary of the Book," is a corruption of 'and (&) per se and', which literally means "(the character) & by itself (is the word) and." The symbol & is derived from the ligature of ET or et, which is the Latin word for "and." Link.

The Dog Barons  

All of London's dogs are owned by the same company. Amalgamated Canine Industries was founded when the dog population of the city was nationalised under the Attlee government in 1948, and its holdings were leased back to the pooches' former owners. Since then, this company has, in various forms, regulated all dog activity in the capital. Link
(From This isn't London - the internet's first, best and only source of untrue, made-up and false facts and information about London.)

Lorto: "Me Lorto. Help. Fire not work." 

The tech support problem dates back to long before the industrial revolution, when primitive tribesmen beat out a rhythm on drums to communicate: The Early Days of Tech Support

"I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way." 

List Of Actual Subtitles Used In Films Made In Hongkong
(via del.icio.us)

Saturday, July 24, 2004


"The cloning of humans is on most of the lists of things to worry about from Science, along with behaviour control, genetic engineering, transplanted heads, computer poetry and the unrestrained growth of plastic flowers." Lewis Thomas

Asia: Full of Grace 

Photographs of Asia
(via metafilter)

beereft (adj.) - bereft of beer 

Drunk Talk. Modern Drunkard's new crop of bar slang.

Gutterball Game 

No shoes required! Grab a brew, polish your ball and let's get framed! Set the pins and knock 'em down in this realistic 3D bowling game! Gutterball 3D (shockwave)
More games

A (Short) History Of The Longest Finger 

Giving someone "the finger" is one of the basest violations in modern culture, but its origins date back over 2500 years. Link

Athens Dream 

Australian Olympic Team (possibly NSFW)

Games, games & more games 


Stickfigure Acrobats 

Amazing piece of animated GIF artistry depicts dozens of stick-figure people running amok in a Donkey Kong style universe. Link
(via metafilter)

Similar - The Incredibly Evil Machine (Flash)
(via Aces Of Links)

Monday, July 19, 2004


"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way." Franklin P. Adams

Cannot find smut or PNS Error 

The pornography you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing titillation difficulties, or you may need to adjust your trouser settings. From 404 page at www.phancy.com

Jailhouse Wok 

Chinese Elvis; the online home to the UK's most popular Chinese Elvis impersonator! Link
(via metafilter)

Interactive urinal communicator 

Discover Wizmark, the interactive urinal communicator, it's advertising you can't help but look at. An idea so original, it has everyone talking.
Wizmark is based on one unwritten rule of men's room etiquette; when using a urinal, never stare at the person next to you. Every male knows that when he is using a urinal, he can look anyway he wants, except left or right.

Find someone who cares! 

This site is dedicated to the men and women who have to put up with grief from customers on a daily basis. If you are offended by the fact that the employee behind the counter isn't always willing to kiss your ass...

In case you have trouble getting drunk... 

The AWOL Machine - a new way to party.
(via metafilter)

Sunday, July 11, 2004


"Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway." Elbert Hubbard

Simulation meets political cartoons 

We believe video games are not simply an amusement. Games and simulations can also make us think about what is going on in this world. Periodically, we will use games and simulations to analyze, debate, comment and editorialize major international news. Come and join us. (Shockwave and Flash)
(via Listener)

Games that go beyond entertainment 

Water Cooler Games explores the emerging field of games want to do more than simply being fun: they want to make a point, share knowledge, change opinions. If you think that video games have a strong potential for communication, persuasion and education, come and join our discussion by the Water Cooler. (Shockwave & Flash)
(via Listener)

Saturday, July 10, 2004


"The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory." Paul Fix

Right into the wall! 

For those who aren't yet sick of soccer.
Ties should be settled using this game, not shootouts.
(via metafilter)

A Nick Bounty Mini Mystery (game) 

A Case Of the Crabs.

SUVs can't swim 

Driving lesson goes awry and SUV ends up at the bottom of a swimming pool. SUV takes plunge in Hawai'i Kai. (Love the photo.)
(via kottke blog)

Fun with grapes - A case study 

An important new discovery in the field of culinary entertainment: Fun - Microwaving.
(from amai.bloki blog)

Monday, July 05, 2004


He who hesitates is probably smart... or maybe stapled to the floor. Dr. Squid

Jet Powered Beer Cooler 

A cold beer is just what you need when you're standing in shed with a jet engine running in the middle of it heating things up. Link

Knit-your-own edible thong underwear  

Only 302 calories, knit 'em yourself from Twizzlers. Dawn Payne, the crafty chick who designed them says: "Knit gently. If you need your L-string to last longer than a few hours before use, you will need to keep the panties moist. This can be accomplished by wrapping the panties in plastic, or for extended storage needs, spraying with a vegetable oil spray and then wrapping. Adjustable to fit most any consenting adult!" Link
(via Boingboing)

Sunday, July 04, 2004


There are moments when everything goes well, but don't be frightened, it won't last. Jules Renard

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right. 

Inform all the troops that communications have completely broken down.

I don't have any solution but I certainly admire the problem.

My sources are unreliable, but their information is fascinating.

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and whatever you hit, call it the target.

Please don't enlighten me; life is hard enough without knowing who I am and where I'm going.

The difference between science and magic is that magicians usually know what they're doing.

I always like to know what I'm doing, but there are times when nobody will tell me.

(Ashleigh Brilliant - Brilliant Thoughts)

African Aperture 

Aims to bring photography of Africa and in Africa into the world through digital media. To bring together the very best photographers who focus on Africa. And, ultimately, to grow into a sustainable entity in the internet environment. Link

Billboard Featuring Fake Students Blamed For Crashes 

A billboard in Cleveland, Ohio featuring mannequins of students has been blamed for causing several traffic accidents. Motorists traveling near the sign said it appears that someone is trying to jump from the top of the billboard.

Witnesses said there have been as many as five accidents in the past few months after motorists slammed on their brakes while glancing up at the sign. Link
(from Attu)


"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right."
Isaac Asimov


adj : conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; "a crying shame"; "an egregious lie"; "flagrant violation of human rights"; "a glaring error"; "gross ineptitude"; "gross injustice"; "rank treachery"

It may be used on its own: “Sir, you are egregious.” This sense is only recommended when one is quite certain its object is unaware of its meaning.


Know your movies? 

Test your movie knowledge.

Try to relax and enjoy the crisis.  

According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Brilliant Thoughts

Rude place names 

If you're in England then this is for you.
Balls Cross
Beaver Dyke
Big End
Bishops Itchington
Bottom Burn
Box Bush Farm
Breasty Haw
Brown Willy
Bush Down
(from places.jump-around.com)

Inverse graffiti: use cleaning solvent, not paint  

A Yorkshire graffiti writer has come up with a really clever writing technique: he lays a template with his tag over a dirty wall, then sprays the template with solvent, leaving behind a clean patch bearing his message. It's inverse graffiti -- he's selectively cleaning up dirty walls.
He decided to commercialize the process and tagged Smirnoff ads in Leeds, and that's where he got into trouble: he's been ordered to "remove" the clean patch of wall and get rid of the ad. Link
(via Boingboing)

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