
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Pandora vs Last.Fm 

Really nice discussion by Steve Krause about the differences between pandora and last.fm. Steve compares both the technological approaches and the results, with a fair bit of insight. He also makes some thoughtful comments about data mining, and the value of data vs. the value of algoriithms.

(taken from Pandora vs Last.fm)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Be part of a walking game. 

If you just bought yourself some clothes with the Edoc Laundry brand, you may be wondering why people keep coming up to you in the street to look closely at the patterns on your new shirt. The reason is that your shirt is part of a new multimedia game and a part of that game has been woven into your shirt. You are now part of a walking game.

Based around the alternate-reality game (ARG) concept, the new clothing range contains a series of puzzles that relate to the online world but also require interaction in the real world. The Laundry line adds these elements into shirts, hats and other accessories. The game is to find symbols in the clothing and then log in to find out how these are used in the online game.

Run a google search on "edoc laundry"

(from Bangkok Post Database)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wacky Warning Label Contest 

A heat gun and paint remover that produces temperatures of 1,000 degrees and warns users, "Do not use this tool as a hair dryer" has been identified as the nation’s wackiest warning label in M-LAW’s annual Wacky Warning Label Contest.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

60 second Trip (Flash) 

Fun with Flash and optics

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